Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Project complete!!!!!

after a week
of no sleep
creative breakthroughs
living in carroll gardens
avoiding my parents
I have completed the project
Lets hope I move to philly
after amees wedding....

maia + maya + aurelia= trio

who is who?
my favorite redheads were in town this weekend.
they told me that when they were little and their older sister would be sitting in the front of the car and they would be sitting in the back, they would tell her to close her eyes and they would make strange noises, and she if she could tell them apart.
we played the same game on saturday...
but I totally won...
thats cause we were the trio and always have been.
I am thankful we didn't make nate ride us on bike, cause that could have been a disaster.
Nate is certainly no Phil...

Sunrise at the Soho Grand Penthouse....

Birthday madness at the box,
with maybe the most outrageous show I have ever seen...
Kerrie & I took a chance and danced on the couch in our heels,
but threw them off and proceeded to have a jumping pillow fight
with Stavros Niarchos?!? maybe?! who is he?
Italian Pirates, vodka flukes, boys pole dancing that put Rob's house partys
to shame
then an after party
at the penthouse at the soho grand
too many sunrises last week
curiosity killed the kitten...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

4 Broads, 3 Pink Slips, 2 Beds & 1 Grand

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

meet my new family...

kerrie & paul
are saving my life right now
paul lets me use his electronics
kerrie makes me lunch & dinner
and all i have to do is
let paul take pictures
of my sunburn

Monday, May 18, 2009

more bath party pics

it was all full of glitter
and way to much
baby oil...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

my name is

maya estes
and i gots to speak
met a girl named fontaine
taught me
how to
make rice & beans
the real way
and i love her..

Victoria's Bloodbath Party: Shot by Ed Luna

these pics are amaze..
They are mostly of all the boys we love, but that's ok...ed doesn't really know us
the photos are "epic"
and makes me miss carabar alot

Monday, May 11, 2009

let the crafting begin...

back to my old habits
little one loves all art projects,
she always sat on mattys paintings
and she has to sleep in my sewing needs